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FRANCIS by Julian Mitchell;
Cast; Grant Cathro (as Angelo);
Richard Rees (as Salvatore); Tom Bowles (as Roderigo) ;
Colin Wakefield (as Bernard) ; Kenneth Branagh (as Francis)
John Bott (as Bishop Guido) ; Frederick Treves (as Peter Bernardone) : Christopher Hancock (as Gerard) ; Nina Botting (as Clare) ; Lucy Hancock (as Agnes) ;
Frank Gatliff (as Cardinal Ambrose); Vincenzo Nicoli (as Masseo) ; John Labsnowski (as Leo) ; Robert Lister (as Peter of Catania)
Director: David William ;
Designer: Stephanie Howard;
Lighting; Brian Harris;
Musical Director: Anthony Bowles;
at Greenwich Theatre, Greenwich, London, UK;
Stephen Moreton-Prichard Collection;
Credit: Stephen Moreton-Prichard / Mander and Mitchenson / University of Bristol / Performing Arts Images;
***Educational Licence Use Only under Performing Arts Images Subscription Service.*** None of these images can be used commercially without prior written permission. ***Contact for details***
- Filename
- UOB-003955.jpg
- Copyright
- University of Bristol / Performing Arts Images
- Image Size
- 2000x2781 / 490.2KB
13th Stephen Moreton Prichard 1983 ACTING AGNES AMBROSE AND Angelo ANTHONY as b&w BERNARD Bernardone BISHOP black BOTT Botting BOWLES BRANAGH BRIAN Bristol CARDINAL cast Catania Cathro century Christopher CLARE Colin COLLECTION COM DAVID Designer Director DRESS FEMALE FRANCIS Frank Frederick Gatliff GERARD Grant Greenwich GUIDO HANCOCK HARRIS Head headdress HOWARD JOHN JULIAN Kenneth Labsnowski Lady LEO Lighting LISTER London LUCY MANDER Masseo Mitchell MITCHENSON Moreton musical NICOLI NINA NUN of performance performing Peter praying Prichard REES Richard Robert RODERIGO SALVATORE STAGE STEPHANIE Stephen The Theatre TOM TREVES UK UNIVERSITY VINCENZO Wakefield White William Woman www Young Performing Arts Images
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