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HAMLET by Shakespeare ;
Death of Hamlet full stage ;
L - R :
Mbulelo Grootboom (standing left, as Fortinbras) ;
Vaneshran Arumugam (foreground prone, as Hamlet) ;
John Kani (seated on dais, as Claudius) ;
Dorothy Ann Gould (prone right, as Gertrude) ;
Adam Neill (standing right, as Horatio) ;
Play by William Shakespeare ;
Directed by Janet Suzman ;
Production design by Peter Cazalet ;
Lighting design by Mannie Manim ;
Fights choreographed by Christopher Kindo ;
Production by Baxter Theatre Centre, Cape Town, S.A. ;
Part of the RSC's Complete Works Festival 2006 ;
at the Swan Theatre, Stratford-upon-Avon, UK ;
May 2006 ;
Credit : Marilyn Kingwill / Performing Arts Images ;
***Educational Licence Use Only under Performing Arts Images Subscription Service.*** None of these images can be used commercially without prior written permission. ***Contact for details***
- Filename
- MKI-039119.jpg
- Copyright
- Marilyn Kingwill / Performing Arts Images
- Image Size
- 3000x1531 / 704.3KB
2006 ACTING Actor ADAM Ann ARUMUGAM as BAXTER CAPE CAZALET Centre Choreographed Christopher Claudius COLOR COLOUR COM complete dais Death design Directed DOROTHY existence FEMALE FESTIVAL Fights FOREGROUND Fortinbras FULL Gertrude GOULD grief Grootboom GUYS HAMLET HORATIO JANET JOHN KANI Kindo Kingwill l left Lighting Manim Mannie MARILYN MAY Mbulelo men NEILL of On Part performance performing Peter philosophical PLAY
- Contained in galleries