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at the King's Head Theatre, London, Great Britain
23 October 2008
Amanda Posener (as Latrice)
Julian Forsyth ;
Anna Stolli (as Rani)
Adam Bayjou ; Melanie La Barrie (as Desdemona)
Amanda Minihan (as Sonia)
Gavin Ashbury;
Credit: Elliott Franks / Performing Arts Images
***Educational Licence Use Only under Performing Arts Images Subscription Service.*** None of these images can be used commercially without prior written permission. ***Contact for details***
- Filename
- EFR-008503.jpg
- Copyright
- Elliott Franks / Performing Arts Images
- Image Size
- 3000x1996 / 1.0MB
2008 color colour color colour 23 ACTING Actor Actress ADAM Amanda ANNA Artist as Ashbury Barrie BAYJOU Britain Desdemona Drama ELLIOTT FEMALE Forsyth FRANKS GAVIN Great Head JULIAN KING'S LA Latrice London MAGIQUE Male MAN MELANIE Minihan October performance performing PLAY Posener Rani RUE SONIA STAGE Stolli The Theatre THEATRICAL Woman colour color Performing Arts Images
- Contained in galleries