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Garsington Opera - 4 June 2008,Dario - Paul Nilon
Statira - Renate Pokupic
Argene - Wendy Dawn Thompson
Niceno - Rusell Smythe
Alinda - Sophie Bevan
Oronte - Nicholas Watts
Arpago - Katherine Manley
Flora - Antonia Sotgiu
Ghost of Ciro - Riccardo Novaro (pictured)
Apollo - Andrew DickensonConductor - Laurence Cummings
Director - David Freeman
Designer - Dan Potra
Lighting Designer - Bruno PoetCredit - Peter Wolfes / ArenaPAL
- Filename
- PWO-000038.jpg
- Copyright
- WOLFES Peter
- Image Size
- 2000x3000 / 575.3KB
2008 Alinda Andrew Antonia Antonio Apollo ArenaPAL Argene Arpago BEVAN BRUNO Ciro Conductor CUMMINGS DAN Dario DAVID DAWN Designer DI Dickenson Director FLORA Freeman Garsington GFO Ghost June KATHERINE L'Incoronazione LAURENCE Lighting Manley Music Niceno NICHOLAS NILON NOVARO of Opera Oronte PAUL performance performing Peter PICTURED poet Pokupic Potra Production Renate RICCARDO Rusell Singer singing SMYTHE SOPHIE SOTGIU STAGE Statira THOMPSON VIVALDI WATTS WENDY Wolfes
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