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Berlin - Berlin: Festival Junger Zirkus Europa: junge Jongleure waehrend der Galavorstellung des Kinder und Jugendzirkus Cabuwazi am Standort Berlin-Marzahn - 12.10.2007
Nur-für-redaktionelle-Nutzung! Germany - Berlin - Berlin: Festival Young Circus Europe: young juggler during gala performance in the Child and Youth Circus Cabuwazi - 12.10.2007 Only-editorial-use!
***Educational Licence Use Only under Performing Arts Images Subscription Service.*** None of these images can be used commercially without prior written permission. ***Contact for details***
- Filename
- ULL-018247.jpg
- Copyright
- Ullstein Bild / Performing Arts Images
- Image Size
- 2000x2951 / 452.9KB
col color acrobat acrobatics acrobats act acting acts adolescent adolescent person adolescents Akrobat Akrobaten Akrobatik amusement art artist Artisten artistic Artistik artistry artists attraction Attraktion Auffuehrung auftreten Auftritt Cabuwazi child child and youth circus childhood Children circus culture Deutschland education Entertainment equilibrist Europa Europe free time Freizeit freizeitgestaltung fun Gala gala day gala evening gala performance Galaabend Galavorstellung Germany Gesellschaft Gesellschaft society hf international join joining jongleur jonglieren jongliert Jugendzirkus juggle juggle with juggler jugglery juggles juggling juggling ball jung junge junges juvenile juveniles keulen kid kids Kind Kind child Kinder Kinderzirkus Kuenstler Kugel Kugeln Kultur Kunst Leisure leisure time Lernen maedchen Maedchen girl Marzahn meet meeting Mensch Menschen people Bevoelkerung population Nachwuchs Paedagogik pedagogics pedagogy people performance performer performers play playing Praesentation praesentieren present presentation presenting Schau show showing shows social social pedagogy social work society sozial spare time Spass Spiel spielen Springling Talent teen teenager teenagers teens treffen treten auf tritt auf Unterhaltung Variete Varietee vaudeville Veranstaltung Vorstellung young young person young persons young talent youngster youngsters youth Zirkus Zirkusakrobat Zirkusakrobaten Zirkusakrobatik Zirkusartist Zirkusartisten
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