Porcelain statuette 'Johanna Terwin' - Photographer: Hermann Boll - Published by: 'Die Dame' 10/1914 Vintage property of ullstein bild
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Porcelain statuette 'Johanna Terwin';
Photographer: Hermann Boll ;
Published by: 'Die Dame' 10/1914
Credit: Hermann Boll / Ullstein Bild / Performing Arts Images
www.performingartsimages.com *** Local Caption *** 01080899
- Filename
- ULL-010960.jpg
- Copyright
- / Performing Arts Images
- Image Size
- 2000x2284 / 437.6KB
ad_vt bildende kuenstlerin visual artist bildende kunst kuenste kultur art arts visual fine culture Bildende Kunst visual pictoral art arts Bildhauerei sculpture bkst historisch 20th century historical history c20th XX c20 historisch geschichte history historical jahrhundert 20 zwanzigstes zwanzig jh jhr geschichte Kultur Kunst culture art arts personality personalities Porzellan porcelain Porzellanfigur prominente prominenter pa personenarchiv person personen Schauspielerin actress skulptur sculpture statue standbild standfigur figur figure swsw ull_vintage vip persoenlichkeit persoenlichkeiten people Werk Werke works creations x 1910er 10er 1910-1919 dl-3755
- Contained in galleries