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Dido and Aeneas - Purcell
Opera North, Leeds, Grand Theatre 05/07
Dido - Susan Bickley
Belinda - Amy Freston
Sorceress - Clarissa Meek (pictured)
Aeneas - Adam Green
Woman - Lucy Crowe
Witches - Martine Grimson, Louise Poole
Spirit - James Laing (pictured)
Sailor - Eyjolfur Eyjolfsson
Conductor - Nicholas Kok
Director - Aletta Collins
Set Designer - Giles Cadle
Costume Designer - Gabrielle Dalton
Lighting Designer - Bruno Poet
Credit: Clive Barda / Performing Arts Images
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- Filename
- CBA-012377.jpg
- Copyright
- Clive Barda / Performing Arts Images
- Image Size
- 2000x3000 / 988.6KB
** 05 07 ADAM Aeneas Aletta Amy Barda BELINDA BICKLEY BRUNO CADLE CLARISSA CLIVE COLLINS Conductor costume CROWE DALTON Designer DIDO Director Eyjolfsson Eyjolfur FRESTON Gabrielle GILES GRAND Green Grimson JAMES KOK Laing LEEDS Lighting LOUISE LUCY MARTINE MEEK NICHOLAS North Opera poet POOLE Purcell SAILOR set SORCERESS Spirit Susan Theatre WITCHES Woman colour color Performing Arts Images
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