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Kate Littlewood as Lily ;
Sean Baker as The King ;
Tony Rohr as The Corpse ;
Tom Mannion as the Prince ;
Indian fairy tale ;
Adapted and Directed by Donald Sumpter ;
16 December 1986 ;
Credit: Conrad Blakemore / Performing Arts Images ;
***Educational Licence Use Only under Performing Arts Images Subscription Service.*** None of these images can be used commercially without prior written permission. ***Contact for details***
- Filename
- CBL-002572.jpg
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- 1983x3000 / 821.1KB
11th 16 1986 25 Adapted allegorical AND APPLE as b&w b+w BAKER BARE black Blakemore BODY cadaver carries carry carrying century CHEST chested clothes COM compilation CONRAD CORPSE DEAD Death DECEMBER Directed Donald Drama EAT EATING EXPLODE Explodes fabric Fairy FRUIT Ghost grief HANGED Head HEADRESS HIDDEN Hung india Indian JEWEL JEWELS KATE King laughing LAUGHS LAUGHTER Lily LITTLEWOOD MAGIC MAN MANNION monarch Monochrome MOURNER mourning mourns multiple NECROMANCER OR POSSESSED POSSESSION Prince RIDDLE Riddles ROBES ROHR Royal ROYALTY SEAN smile SMILES smiling SORCERER SPELL STORIES SUMPTER TALE TALES The TOM TONY TOPLESS turban White WRAP www Performing Arts Images
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