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Cast: Martyn Stanbridge (as Andrey Prozorov);
Cathryn Harrison (as Natasha); Sara Kestelman (as Olga)**, Joanne Whalley (as Masha)**, Katherine Schlesinger (as Irina) David Allister (as Syodor), Ian Ogilvy (as Vershinin) Paul Jesson (as Tusenbach), Ron Cook (as Solyony, Peter Sallis (as Sr. Chebutykin) Trevor Brohier (as Fedotik) Bill French (as Rode), Jeremy Swift (as Ferapont), Elizabeth Bradley (as Anfisa);
Director: Elijah Moshinsky;
Design and Lighting: John Bury:
at Greenwich Theatre, Greenwich, London, UK;
Stephen Moreton-Prichard Collection;
Credit: Stephen Moreton-Prichard / Mander and Mitchenson / University of Bristol / Performing Arts Images;
Three Sisters
Sheet D
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- UOB-004005.jpg
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- University of Bristol / Performing Arts Images
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- 3000x1947 / 441.7KB
** Stephen Moreton Prichard 1987 20TH 8157 ACTING ALLISTER AND Andrey Anfisa ANXIOUS as b&w BILL black BRADLEY Bristol Brohier BURY cast Cathryn century Chebutykin CHEKOV COLLECTION COM COOK D DAVID design Director Drama Elijah ELIZABETH Fedotik FEMALE Ferapont FRENCH Greenwich Harrison IAN IRINA Jeremy JESSON JOANNE JOHN KATHERINE KESTELMAN ladies Lighting London MANDER MARTYN Masha MITCHENSON Moreton Moshinsky NATASHA of OGILVY Olga PAUL performance performing period Peter Prichard Prozorov Rode RON Russian SALLIS Sara SCHLESINGER SHEET SISTERS Solyony SR STAGE Stanbridge Stephen SWIFT Syodor The Theatre THREE TREVOR Tusenbach TWO UK unhappy UNIVERSITY Vershinin WHALLEY White Women www Performing Arts Images
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