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Trisha Brown Dance Company
Edinburgh Playhouse EIF 070824
Edinburg International Festival
August 2007
Canto Pianto
Sandra Grinberg
Hyun Jin Jung - Orfeo
Todd McQuade
Leah Morrison - Euridice
Melinda Myers
Tony Orrico
Tamara Riewe
Todd Lawrence Stone - Orfeo at end
Judith Sanchez Ruiz - Messaggiera
Choreography - Trisha Brown
Music - Monteverdi cond. Rene Jacobs
Lighting - Jennifer Tipton
Costumes - Ronald Aeschlimann and Burt Barr
Present Tense
Sandra Grinberg
Hung Jin Jung
Tony Orrico
Tamara Riewe
Judith Sanchez Ruiz
Todd Lawrence Stone
Choreography - Trisha Brown
Music - John Cage
Scenic Design - Elizabeth Murray
Lighting - Jennifer Tipton
Costumes - Elizabeth Murray
credit: Clive Barda / Performing Arts Images
***Educational Licence Use Only under Performing Arts Images Subscription Service.*** None of these images can be used commercially without prior written permission. ***Contact for details***
- Filename
- CBA-013349.jpg
- Copyright
- Clive Barda / Performing Arts Images
- Image Size
- 3000x2000 / 321.6KB
070824 color colour 2007 Aeschlimann AND August Barda barefoot BARR black BLUE BROWN BURT cage Canto CHOREOGRAPHY CLIVE Company COND costumes Dance Dancers design EDINBURG Edinburgh EIF ELIZABETH End EURIDICE feet FESTIVAL FIGURE FOOT Grinberg Hands Hung Hyun INTERNATIONAL Jacobs JENNIFER JIN JOHN Judith JUNG LAWRENCE Leah Lighting McQuade Melinda Messaggiera MONTEVERDI MORRISON Movement Murray Music Myers ORFEO Orrico performance Pianto Playhouse PRESENT René Riewe ronald RUIZ SANCHEZ SANDRA Scenic STAGE Stone TAMARA tense TIPTON TODD TONY TRISHA Performing Arts Images
- Contained in galleries